Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What has Dark Chocolate ever done to you?

Image from: Recipies Wika

I love dark chocolate, I mean LOVE it.
Watching Googlebox Ireland just isn't the same without a bar of the Dark stuff to accompany your viewing.
The higher the Coca content the better as far as I'm concerned.
Be it Aine's chocolate from Cavan,Godiva from Belgium, or a box of Borders Dark Chocolate Gingers from Scotland; if my football team loses heavily, or Trump goes on another insane twitter rant, I console myself with the bark of the Dark Stuff.

Yet what I can't seem to properly get my head around, is the hatred many people have of this confection par Excellence.
When I offer a square to some people they look at me like I've offered them a Donald Trump badge to affix to their jacket.
They will then proceeed to go on a rant about how they HATE dark chocolate, ask me in bewildered tones as to how on earth I could like the stuff, and other unprintable statements.

Image from:

As far as I'm concerned, it is very much their loss.
As well as tasting great, dark chocolate also has genuine health benefits.particularly for lowering blood pressure and helping to improve ones blood flow (That that utterly useless coconut water!)

Image from:

So will you majority of ye milk chocolate munchers, too chicken to embrace the dark side, please give us who love a bit of 72% Cocoa on our tongues, a break?

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