Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Massage on a barge, Massage on a barge – another problem for Gemma writ large,

 Anti-democratic Google, anti-democratic Google, a key concern of her supporters so frugal,

They say Keep Ireland Green, Keep Ireland Green while Nazi salutes are quite plainly seen,

She mourns the loss of her Youtube Channel, the loss of her Youtube Channel, where she nightly spewed her rants so banal,

Here she nightly urged others to participate, nightly urged others to participate, in her campaign of lies and hate,

To the GardaĆ­ she was in a strop, to the GardaĆ­ she was in a strop, all cos they told her from Barrow Street to hop,

Due to the actions of those on the left, the actions of those on the left, she is now isolated and bereft,

The more her message is allowed be told, allowed be told, the greater the fair-right foothold,

So everyone get up and make a stand, make a stand, otherwise freedom and democracy in future could be banned!